The Brat Patrol | A Long Time Ago, In a Neighborhood Far, Far Away…

Archive for August 31st, 2006

You’re an Old Detroiter If…

Old Hudsons Building Downtown Detroit

Old Hudsons Building Downtown Detroit

Thanks to my mom for forwarding this to me. I don’t usually go for this kind of stuff, but… (Actually, Eileen from Detroit gets the credit for her users’ submitted content. Check out for more great memories!)

You took a “moonlight cruise” to Bob-Lo
with Captain Bob-Lo or went to
Edgewater Amusement Park .

You shopped at Hughes and Hatcher, B Siegel, Peck and Peck,
Himelhoch’s, Robert Hall, Crowley ‘s, Shoppers Fair, EJ
Korvettes or Federals.
You remember the trolley cars that went along Jefferson Avenue
into Detroit .

You remember the Detroit Train Station.

You remember shopping at J. L. Hudson’s
and you rode the elevators there,
which were “run” by an elevator operator.

You remember the world’s largest flag that
flew on the side of Hudson ‘s in downtown Detroit .

You remember a Winkleman’s and
Sanders store in your neighborhood.

You remember the “Big Snow”,
Buffalo Bob, Howdy Doody, Clarabelle,
Phineas T.Bluster,
Princess Summer-Fall-Winter-Spring.

You remember Twin Pines Dairy
delivered milk and juice to the chute
on the side of your house and
Milky the Clown performed magic
with the magic words “Twin Pines.”

You remember the Good Humor man
in a white uniform, ringing the bells
as he drove down your street

You remember Olympia Stadium.

You remember when Vernors was made
on Woodward Ave. ,
and a bearded troll was on the bottle.

Your Mom got groceries at Great Scott,
Food Fair, Wrigley’s or Chatham .
You remember that the Giant Uniroyal Tire
now on the Ford Freeway was
a ferris wheel ride at the 1964 World’s Fair.

Your Mom saved Holden Red Stamps,
S&H Green stamps, or Gold Bell Gift stamps, and you licked them
into those little books.
Kresge’s and Woolworth’s were “Dime Stores.”

You had an uncle in the furniture business (Joshua Door).
You know who Bill Kennedy is.

You saw the Detroit Lions play football
in Tiger Stadium.

You remember Black Bart and the Faygo song. Or how about “Which
way did he go?
He went for Faygo, old fashion root beer.”

You watched Rita Bell’s!
prize movies in the morning.

You remember Jack LeGoff,
Van Patrick and George Peirrot.

You remember Milky the Clown,
Soupy Sales, Johnny Ginger, Poopdeck Paul, Captain Jolly,
Sagebrush Shorty
and maybe even Sergeant Satko Salute.

You visited the Wonder Bread Bakery
and got to take home a mini loaf of bread.

Your address had a two-digit “zone”
before there were zip codes. Detroit 19, Michigan .
You visited the incredible Christmas display shown each year at
the Ford Rotunda
in Dearborn .

You remember “Get on the right track
at 9 mile and Mack,
to get the best deal in town. Roy O’Brien…
it’s the best deal in town.”
You remember a laundry chute and
a milk chute and a coal chute.
You remember going to Detroit Edison
with your Mom to exchange burned out
light bulbs for new ones.

4 comments August 31st, 2006 by duane


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